Upcoming Classes!

Beyond the Spirit of 1776: Life in Colonial America (K-12)

Discover how we built a nation, from before the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth to the fledgling colony’s victory over the British Empire. Learn how they farmed crops, raised their children, defended their homesteads, traded with the indigenous peoples, built cottage industries, and adapted to life to the New World. Try your hand at pickling, drop-spinning, blacksmithing, and more.

Colorado’s Uncivil Wars: Sand Creek, Julesburg and the War Between the States

The Civil War and the Indian Wars collided in Colorado from 1861 to 1865, and Coloradans are still dealing with the consequences. Explore the daily life of the Colorado 1st Infantry and the “Bloodless” 3rd Colorado Cavalry, and visit the sites of the Sand Creek massacre, Fort Lyons, and Bent’s Old Fort.

Just Butting Heads? Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goats (K-12)

Discover why head butting is common among bighorn sheep and rare (but serious) among mountain goats. Learn about unique adaptations for survival in a rugged habitat. Hike into bighorn country as the mating season begins to observe their behavior. Learn why the mountain goat truly is a beast the color of winter.

River Otter…They’re Here in Colorado!

Indulge your fascination with otters as you learn about the biology of this active and amusing animal. Learn about otter re-introduction to Colorado, and how to find them in the wild. Visit the Denver Aquarium for an otter meet and greet and curator’s otter exhibit talk.